If there are issues with the package’s customs clearance for consumers outside of the European Union, our company is not responsible or liable if it is returned to us, is damaged, or is seized. Therefore, before placing an order, please confirm the customs policies of your nation.
If the chosen courier service fails to deliver your package(s) to the specified destination address after numerous tries, our company is not accountable or liable for any damaged packages or those shipped back to us (due to your absence).
Before delivery, we thoroughly check and test each of our items, ensuring the greatest level of quality.
As the customer, you must check the goods as soon as they are received. Within 30 working days of receiving your shipment, contact us at support@Smartparts.se or by phone at +46 (0) 85-151 69 69 if there is a problem with the product or the delivery, and we will take care of the issue.
If you don’t, the delivery will be assumed to have been accepted.
You have a complete right of return within 10 working days of delivery if you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason. In other words, you have the option to return the item and get a replacement, a credit note, or your money back.
The product must be in the same condition as it was in when it was shipped from us before the return right is applicable. The product must not have been used, and if it came in a package or had an LCD warranty seal on it, those conditions must also be met.
Digitizers and LCD panels are subject to different exchange policies. Never test the phone’s LCD or digitizer with the sticking kit; just attach connectors to test them, and leave the screen protectors on. Even if the seal is damaged, LCD displays with touch defects will still be replaced.
After testing, returned items that are not defective will be sent back at the customer’s expense.
Manufacturers of smartphones and tablets regularly update their software, which could cause a product we offer, like a display that isn’t original, to stop working. We promise that our products will function with the manufacturer’s product on the day of delivery. However, if the product ceases to function after a software update, we are not liable. Therefore, this situation is not a legitimate reason for a warranty complaint or a return.
For purchases of “on order products” (Swedish: beställningsvaror) that we do not currently have in stock, the right to return merchandise is not applicable.
You are required to cover the return freight when utilizing the return option (not applicable for private customers). You are responsible for the cost of the lost item if a return does not reach us.
If you have already paid for your purchase before it is returned, we will reimburse you with the product’s current day price (Swedish: dagspris), less any applicable discounts. We will also compensate you for the initial freight cost if the entire delivery is returned and there is no replacement done. You’ll receive a credit letter from us. If, for whatever reason, you prefer a cash payment over a credit note, we will execute your request within 30 days of receiving your bank account information. Credit notes will be terminated without warning, compensation, or reimbursement if they are not utilized within six months of the date of issuance.
A new product will be exchanged for a defective one within six months of the date of purchase for all of our spare components, which have a 12-month warranty. Inappropriate handling of the goods results in damage that is not covered by the warranty.
Before returning a product, get in touch with our customer care team at support@smartphonepart.shop or +46 (0) 85-151 69 69. Use this RMA as well, please.
Smartparts Nordic AB
Skyttbrinksvägen 42
147 39 Tumba, Sweden
Make sure to fill the RMA-blanket which you can find at the bottom of this page.
If you do not have the opportunity to print this paper, it works well with a hand note explaining the malfunctioning of the product and a reference number linked to your order. For example invoice number, order number, ocr or similar.
Returns that are submitted to the wrong address and are not received by us are deemed invalid claims and are not accepted.
We will not pick up returns that are submitted to us as Cash on Delivery (Swedish: Postförskott Eller Efterkrav).